Sunday, March 11, 2012

Moral foundations and political differences

Very interesting TED lecture by Jonathan Haidt on what sort of moral foundations are universal across cultures, and how different political outlooks, liberal versus conservative, empathize these differently.
My comments and links to the lecture are here

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Common regrets in 30s, 40s,....

(what follows is a reposting fom Quora, but related is my own blog post on regret HERE

Bradley Voytek, BA in psychology and PhD in neuroscience":
In 2011 there was a large, national survey of Americans across all age groups that looked at just this. The paper was called Regrets of the Typical American published by Roese and Morrison in Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Here's the main finding, outlined by Vaughan Bell over on the Mind Hacks blog:


complete post is HERE in Society & Psychology subblog)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Atheism 2.0

I've often felt that even if one doesn't accept the mysterious supernatural tenets of religions, they are such developed and functional institutions that there is a lot to be reclaimed from then. Not only because religions have arisen and persisted because they tap into important elements of our nature, feelings of community and awe etc., but also because they have perfected many techniques that means they can harnass significant power to have an effect (albeit for bad as well as good) on the world. As this lecture discusses, this is in stark contrast to their generally individual and uncoordinated secular counterparts (artists, philosophers, even film makers) who also try to provide comment and guidance about 'higher' things, but often with much less effect.  As de Botton says, there is a lot secular society can learn, and religion is too important to be left to the religious...

TED: Alain de Botton: Atheism 2.0 - Alain de Botton (2011)

Friday, January 13, 2012

An informed conscience? there can be an app for that..

Given the often hidden power and impact (environmental and social) of large corporations, there's great advantage and potential in apps which enable easy responsible consumerism....

Though I agree that ideally an open source route is preferable, since otherwise comanies might be unfairly targetted. Some feedback (and improvement) mechanism is needed, and also safeguards against manipulation by competitors. But great idea...

Monday, January 2, 2012

the silver lining of the brain....

 link to (and extracts from) an interesting article on the hardwired nueral basis for optimism...

links above not working (again)

seems the sub-blog links at the top of this page aren't working... must be a problem with blogger...
in case takes a while to be fixed, the links are :

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