Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Unprecedented, but not very presidential

I admit I haven't being paying much attention to the Irish presidential election (to be held tomorrow), since I don't live there anymore, and the office itself is largely ceremonial. However having been exposed to the finale of the campaigns on a recent visit to the country,  it does seem worth at least briefly commenting on, if not for the politics then at least for the personalities. In a country long dominated by both the church and the issue of the north  it is indeed amazing that among the seven candidates is a divorcee, an openly gay man, and an ex-terrorist. If the US republican right is as obsessed as they say with 'Guns, God, and gays' then this collection would surely interest them. They might even like Dana. Full article is here

1 comment:

  1. So - Michael D won!
    Have to say nice to see it reported in the International press as 'Poet elected Irish President'. Definitely better than having them say'tv star' or 'eurovision winner' elected!
